current affairs in telugu ADARSHA RYTHU

current affairs in telugu ADARSHA RYTHU

AP introduced the Adarsha Rythu system in the year 2007-08.The main objective behind the identification of Adarsha Rythus is to create a nodal functionary between the farmers and extension staff of agriculture and other line departments to help bridge the gap between the scientific know how and field level to know.49,161 Adarsha Rythus were deployed as against the target of 50,000 in the state to strengthen extension services in the State.
                       There are about 39,804 Adarsha Rythus working in the state presently.Adarsha Rythus assist extension staff in implementation of schemes like Polam Badi.Seed village Programme,Organic farming,Rashtriya Krishi Vikasa Yojana,National Food Security Mission etc.
                        Adarsha Rythus are involved in day to day actions with regard to schemes and technology subsidized input availability & procedures to avail the same,the broad regulatory mechanism for inputs and steps to be taken in case of failure of a particular input.Adarsha Rythus are actively involved in mobilizing farmers in special campaigns like Rythus Chaitanya Yatra,Rythus Sadassu,Prajapatham and Saguku Samayattam.
                       They are actively involved in identifying tenant farmers and in forming Joint Liability Groups to provide credit facilities.
                         The Mandal Agricultural Officers organizes a meeting with Adarsha.Rythus and other line departmental officers on 3rd Monday of every month in the Mandal Head quarters to discuss various problems arising at field level.The Padipantalu magazine and honorarium are being disbursed to Adarsha Rythus on the same day. 
                        The Agricultural Officers and Line Department Officers visit the fields,demonstration sites etc.along with Adarsha Rythus in at least 2-3 villages on the 1st Saturday of every month.Adarsha Rythus maintain a list of 200-250 farmer's holdings allotted to him/her in the registers with information on the type of soils,extent of crops grown,number of Sheep,Cows.
More info on current affairs in telugu


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