The Nobel Prize is the first International award given annually since 1901 for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature and peace. The Prize Consists of a medal, a personal diploma diploma ana a prize amount. In 1968,the Sveriges Riksbank (bank of Sweden) instituted the prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel founder of the Nobel Prize. The festival day of the Nobel Foundation is on the 10th of December, the death anniversary of the testator. The Award Carries A cash Prize of 13.5 Lakh American Dollars.

1.    The Royal Swedish Academy of sciences,awards the nobel Prize in Physics and chemistry.
2.    The Nobel Assembly of Karolinska, Chirurgical institute, Sweden, awards the NobelPrize in Medicine and Physiology.
3.    The Swedish Academy awards the Prize in Literature.
4.    The committee of the Norwegian Parliament awards the Prize for Peace.
5.    The Bank of Sweden awards the Prize in Economics

Different Subjects
Marie curie Sklodowska  :Physics (1903) :Chemistry(1911)
Linus Pauling :Chemistry(1954) :Peace(1962)
Same Subjects
John Bardeen :Physics(1956) :Physics(1972)
Frederick Sanger :Chemistry(1958) : Chemistry(1980)
Three Nobel Prizes: The International Committee of the Red Cross was awarded the Nobel Prizes for peace three times: 1917, 1944 and 1963.  


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